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9 articles
How to find your TWINT UUIDLearn how to locate your TWINT UUID with this guide, detailing the steps to find it within the TWINT portal.
Additional step to verify your TWINT UUIDLearn how to complete the additional step to verify your TWINT UUID, ensuring proper setup for transactions.
How to setup your TWINT partner account correctlyLearn how to set up your TWINT account correctly with this guide, covering all the necessary steps for a smooth setup.
When will I receive money from successful TWINT transactions?
How can I export transactions (e.g., as Excel or CSV)?
TWINT install step by step manual for ShopifyLearn how to install TWINT in Shopify with this step-by-step manual, guiding you through the entire setup process for seamless integration.
How to add the TWINT icon to the payment methods in your footer?Learn how to add the TWINT icon to your footer payment methods with this guide.
TWINT install step by step manual for WiXLearn how to install TWINT in WiX with this step-by-step manual, guiding you through the entire setup process for seamless integration.
How to Find Your PEND Secret and PEND KeyGuide to locate your PEND Secret and PEND Key in your PEND account for configuring payment connector in Wix.